Airlines, top manager recruitment, and book publishing digitization: recent master theses

It is always a great pleasure to share with our EMBA participants and alumni, Master Thesis work of our recent graduates.

We welcome our new alumni members: Nicholas Hermansky, MBA; Gilles Berliet, MBA, and Sebastian Mountaniol, MBA. These gentlemen hail from England, France, and Israel respectively. The MBA Programme is proud to have these individuals as part of our international cohort and thank them for their valuable contributions throughout the time spent with us.

Nick’s thesis entitled Airlines insourcing ground handling: A risky endeavor in today’s climate examined if low-cost airlines business is at risk from insourcing airport ground support services during periods of fluctuating demand such as, pandemics. In doing so, he interviewed senior management figures from the industry, both on the ground and in the air, and also the teams working on aircraft to build a 360-degree picture of the ecosystem. Nick further went on to investigate the reasons for cancellation or delays of flights. To finalise, a series of contemporary shortcomings in the industry were thoroughly examined and in parallel, a set of recommendations for each.

Recruiting A Top Manager: Best Ways To Maximise Success was Gilles’ selected thesis theme.

A vast literature on the topic depicts how significant executive hiring is for corporations’ strategy, performance, and success. A successful top manager recruit can make millions in benefits for the organisation, and a bad recruit one can cause extreme losses. Gilles evaluated the factors that an HR professional, supervisory recruiter, or consultant must consider when hiring a senior leader, manager, or coach. While the extant literature supported that negotiation can be used for onboarding and conflict management, Gilles’ interview analysis disclosed that other varied methods and techniques also aid in onboarding and conflict management. Lastly, his analyses reports that the recruitment process is a rather complex one. Although there remains no single answer for the best recruitment practices, onboarding, and conflict management, the requirements for the best plan differ in every market, region, and culture.

In his 160+ page tome entitled, Drivers, Obstacles, and Trends of Book Publishing Digitalization, Vsevolod, better known as Sebastien by his colleagues, intrigues his readers with a detailled analyses of the industry from its early beginnings to the current digital era.  Sebastien examines the multifaceted and ever-evolving publishing industry to comprehend its dynamics better. By gathering significant insights and knowledge, his aim is to provide strategic guidance and facilitate decision-making for corporations operating in this sector as well as to inspire individuals considering publishing as a field of study or a career path. In the ever-evolving world of publishing, new technologies have emerged, shaking up traditional business models and paving the way for digital content. He explores how these technologies have impacted the industry and how publishers have adapted to keep up with the changing landscape. Additionally, Sebastien explored the crucial role of customer service in building strong relationships and fostering loyalty, particularly in this era of fierce competition and abundant consumer options.

On behalf of the EMBA team, we say congratulations and bravo for the contribution to the extant body of knowledge. Best wishes in all of your future endeavours.