In search of customer loyalty in a world of change: Corporate Workshop with OMV
Each semester our students are called to a corporate workshop wherein Czech, European, and international enterprises seek solutions to extant internal problems. The workshops are a value-added to the curriculum and permit the students to hone their skills based on the attended courses to date. In addition, it permits the participants to encounter contemporary industry issues first hand. The January session was quite unique in that Michal Janda, a member of our 2023 EMBA cohort, and his work colleague Daniel Šiller, presented the issues of their employer, OMV Czech Republic.
For our 2023 cohort this was their third workshop experience, whereas our 2024 cohort members prepared for their first. After being briefed by Michal and Daniel on the problem ‘du jour’ through reading materials and Q&A periods, the participants then work in teams comprising both cohorts. Thus, sharing their expertise and past workshop practice. Throughout the teamwork, Michal, Daniel, and the Executive MBA team,
Vojtěch Opleštil and Richard Brunet-Thornton provide advice and assistance.
At a predetermined interval, teams presented their findings and recommendations to the OMV delegates with the latter commenting on the content. As the photos attest, the workshops held biannually are also a chance for our students to meet and enjoy collaborating with their colleagues.
Comments shared by the participants
- “Very good experience with work inside of team and under pressure.”
- “It was an intense workshop that required considerable preparation. Interesting to learn more about other industries.”
- “It was nice to see different perspectives of all teams to each topic.”
If you want to know more about the corporate workshops, you can read our stories about the workshops with Kaufland, CE Industries and BENEŠ a LÁT.